The return

After almost half a year of silence, it's time to write a new post - on board this new ship. Thanks, G! I haven't spent the past months idle, I've been painting, reading, tasting a lot of rum, and the issue of the ship…

54. Black Tot Day

54. Black Tot Day

Life at sea is not easy. In addition to the hard physical work, the low-stimulus environment and confinement also make the everyday life of those working on the ship difficult. This is still true today, but especially in the old days, when the speed of ships was determined by sails…

On uncharted waters

On uncharted waters

After a relatively short search, I found three games that I was looking for. The decision is not easy, because there are more and less pleasing elements in all three. In general, in case of naval wargames, the target audience gets a separate rulebook for free (or at an affordable…